
Showing posts from October, 2010

झारखण्ड एवं बिहार के भूमिगत जल में फैल रहा है आर्सेनिक का जहर I

बहुत सारे छेत्रों में अपना प्रभाव दिखा रहा है I द्वारा डा. नितीश प्रियदर्शी आर्सेनिक शब्द का नाम आते ही नेपोलियन की याद आती है जिनके बारे में यह कहा जाता है की उनको आर्सेनिक का जहर देकर मारा गया था I देश के कई भागों में आर्सेनिक युक्त जल पीने के कारण लोग कैंसर की चपेट में आ रहे हैं। पश्चिम बंगाल, उत्तर प्रदेश, झारखण्ड तथा बिहार के अनेक गांवों में भूजल में आर्सेनिक तत्व पाए जाने की पुष्टि वैज्ञानिकों ने की है। पश्चिम बंगाल के मालदा, मुर्शिदाबाद, वर्धमान, नाडिया, हावड़ा, हुगली, उत्तर 24 परगना, दक्षिण 24 परगना और कोलकाता जिलों के लोग इस पानी को पीने से विभिन्न रोगों के शिकार हो रहे हैं। पूरे विशव मे करीब बीस मिलियन लोग इससे प्रभावित है , कई तरीकों से इससे उत्पन्न हुये रोगों से निजात पाने की चेष्टा की गयी लेकिन अभी तक कोई ठॊस परिणाम सामने नही आये हैं । आज पश्चिम बंगाल के कई जिले इस जहर से प्रभावित हैं. वहां के भूमिगत जलों में आर्सेनिक की मात्रा खतरनाक स्तिथि तक पहुँच चुकी है I हजारों लोग इससे प्रभावित है I बिहार एवं झारखण्ड के भी कई जगहों पर यह जहर यहाँ के भूमिगत जल में तेजी से फैल रहा है....

Coal mining destroying the environment and health of people in Jharkhand state of India.

Longevity has reduced drastically. by Dr. Nitish Priyadarshi Children are more affected . Contaminated community water source with low pH value Polluted river bed. Atmosphere is also polluted. Black river. Dust is every where. The health hazards, degeneration of the health conditions of the people especially tribal women and children and water contamination is one of the most serious impacts of coal mining in Jharkhand. Jharkhand is an area of abundant coalmines. Most of the coalmines are situated in Hazaribag, Chatra, Palamau, Rajmahal, Dhanbad and Ranchi district. Mighty Damodar River and its tributaries flow through these coalmines. Jharkhand is the homeland of over a dozen indigenous communities, the major ones being the Santhals, the Mundas, the Oraons and the Hos. Most of their populations are concentrated around the coal mines area. Today, the picture of Damodar River or Damuda, considered a sacred river by the local tribals, is quite like a sewage canal shrunken and...

Diesel Generators releases black carbon which affects plant life.

It is also hazardous to the lungs and general health. by Dr. Nitish Priyadarshi F ig.1. Thick layer of black carbon deposited on the fungus. Source is nearby diesel generator . Fig.2 Black carbon being deposited on the fungus. Fig.3 Black carbon deposited on the fungus. Fig.4. Black carbon deposited on leafs. Fig.5. Dead leafs due to the impact of exhaust fumes from the diesel generator. Above photographs shows how the black carbons released by the diesel generators affect the plants. Black carbon or soot is seen deposited on fungus. These fungus are very nearer to the exhaust pipe of the generator. Even the leaves exposed to the fumes are seen dead in the picture. Commonly known as soot, black carbon enters the air when fossil fuels and biofuels, such as coal, wood, and diesel are burned. Black carbon is found worldwide, but its presence and impact are particularly strong in Asia . These black particulate can affect vegetation in three ways. These are: Direct depo...

What ancient people thought about lightning in the sky?

Lightning plays a role in many mythologies. by Dr. Nitish Priyadarshi Lightning and thunder have awed man and beats ever since these creatures made their appearance on earth. Inevitably, these forces of nature found their way into mythology and folklore. In ancient Rome, lightning have even played a political role. Lightning plays a role in many mythologies, often as the weapon of a sky and storm god. As such, it is an unsurpassed method of dramatic instantaneous retributive destruction: thunderbolts as divine weapons can be found in many mythologies. Various ancient societies associated the lightning with a wheel. Marija Gimbutas has shown that the Baltic thunder god, Perkunas, was thought to procure fire by rotating his lightning-clu b in the nave of the solar wheel. In India the thunderbolt was envisaged as a disc with a hole in the middle that rotated when launched and shot lightning in all directions. This disc was a form of the vajra, the sacred lightning weapon of Indra, and was...

Suicides at India’s Nuclear Plants.

The largest number of suicide cases at 74 have been reported from Uranium Corporation of India Ltd, Jharkhand. by Dr. Nitish Priyadarshi 197 employees belonging to a number of nuclear establishments and related institutes in India have committed suicide and 1,733 scientists and employees belonging to these centres have died of illnesses like multiple organ failure, lung cancer, cirrhosis of liver etc, as per a report compiled by Mumbai-based RTI activist Chetan Kothari.. Suicide is often committed out of despair, or attributed to some underlying mental disorder which includes depression, bipolar disorder,schizophrenia, alcoholism and drug abuse, Financial difficulties, interpersonal relationships and other undesirable situations play a significant role. Over one million people commit suicide every year. The World Health Organization estimates that it is the thirteenth-leading cause of death worldwide. It is a leading cause of death among teenagers and adults under 35. There are an esti...

Radiogenic Osmium in Ganga river sediments of India.

Ganga river Sediments are the major source of radiogenic Osmium. by Dr. Nitish Priyadarshi The Ganga sediments are characterized by high Re/Os (rhenium-osmium) ratios and are extremely radiogenic as evident from their 187 Os/ 188 Os isotopic ratios. Samples from the tributaries Alaknanda, Bhagirathi, Gandak and Ghaghra show pronounced 187 Os/ 188 Os. High Os concentrations combined with sediments flux makes the Ganga an important source for soluble Os isotopic evolution in oceans. Interest in rhenium-osmium systematics in rivers has risen sharply in recent years due to the revelation of changes associated with sea water Os isotopic compositions during the past 70 Ma. Radiogenic 187 Os is produced from the β- decay of 187 Re. Osmium isotopic composition in sea water is derived from the weathering of basaltic and peridotitic oceanic crust, hydrothermal solutions, additions from cosmic dust and continental weathering products. Os isotopes in the oceans convey the then prevalent continenta...