
Showing posts from July, 2013

Did India have the atomic power in ancient days?

  A small slide show on concept of atomic power of ancient India. by Dr. Nitish Priyadarshi Our own culture, if we assume a starting point of 4000 B.C. has progressed from primitive agriculture and herding to nuclear fission is only 6,000 years. Considering the age of mankind, there has been ample time for other cultures to have arrived at a level roughly corresponding to ours. A re-examination of some of the ancient records that have come down to us might give some indication of man kind having previously attained our present aptitude for destruction. While there are hints of great blasting of the earth´s surface in the Bible (Sodom and Gomorrah), the Greek myths, and many of the legends of the Indians of North and South America, it is in the ancient records of India, copied and recopied from prehistoric antiquity, that we find, described in considerable detail, the use and effect of what closely resembles atomic explosions in warfare. Unexpected references to such recent developm...

Impact of climate change on livelihood of the community in Pakur district, India.

Vulnerability assessment of the Pakur District of Jharkhand State in relation to climate change and its relevance to livelihood of the community and families. By Dr. Nitish Priyadarshi Geologist.               Small slide show on impact of climate change in Pakur.         Agriculture production has reduced due to less or erratic rainfall.                                     Forest cover has reduced.                                          No green cover.            ...